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Mr. Sakamoto of Yamanao Transportation Co., Ltd. delivers wearing an apron!

We received photos from Mr. Sakamoto of Yamanao Transportation Co., Ltd.!
``Thank you for the lovely apron.''
I was impressed that it turned out better than I expected (laughs).
Our company name has a unique pronunciation, so it was often mispronounced. So! I tried to write it in hiragana so that people would read it correctly. I also added a little fun to it, incorporating game-like elements like special equipment and defense power +2. I asked other drivers what they thought of it, and they gave me really good feedback, so I'm really proud of it (lol)

★Playful aprons are fun!
(Apron Chief: Ushioda)

It was semi-custom made!


●Yamacho Transportation Co., Ltd. Head Office
〒596-0102: 1008-1 Yamanao Nakacho, Kishiwada City, Osaka Prefecture
Kaizuka Sales Office 16 Nishikinamicho, Kaizuka City, Osaka Prefecture, 597-0094
(A company that mainly distributes dairy products.)