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"Yaoasa" fruit shop founded in 1913 in Osaka

apron We received this photo from Yaosasa in Takatsuki Center Street, Osaka.
Below are some comments received from Yaosasa.
"Thank you for reproducing the logo better than the photo.
Thank you very much!
I've been using it since the moment it arrived!! (^_-)-☆
Our store was founded in 1913 and is a long-established store that is soon to celebrate its 100th anniversary, but the only thing we have to brag about is our old wooden signboard that is stored in the warehouse, so I think this apron will give us something to be proud of about our store!!"

I designed the letters on the sign onto the apron.
Please continue to protect this traditional store!
It was made to order.

■ Takatsuki Center Street Fruit Shop "Yaoasa"
Address: 20-15 Takatsukicho, Takatsuki City
TEL: 072-685-1272
■Click here for the homepage of "Yaoasa" fruit shop