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Apron teacher from Awaji Island!

apron From Mr. O, an elementary school teacher in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture:
Thank you for sending us some wonderful photos!

Apparently the school offers a beautiful view of the ocean from the building!

We also manufactured it with a special holder so that you can store scissors, pens, etc.!

We would like to introduce some comments from Professor O!
"Mr. Nishimura, your apron has arrived. It is even more beautiful than I expected and I am very grateful.
Today I showed it to the kids and took some photos.
I was so happy I did it all day long. Hahahaha.

apron I'm looking forward to seeing how the apron will develop as I use it every day.
The sixth graders are good kids, so we decided to display them somewhere for their graduation.
" They were all excited.

In the middle circle is the "tsu" group's "tsu" character.
At the bottom, it is also written on the blackboard,
I included the message, "Always smiling and energetic!"
As a teacher, please continue to tell your students about the wonderfulness of your job! (Nishimura)